Wednesday, February 22, 2017

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled programming... announce that Galatea's fallen a bit behind, so chapter 11 won't be going up until Monday.  I do some teaching in my non-Galatea life, and the start of the school term pretty effectively wiped out all the cushion I'd built myself with pre-scheduled posts.  Given the choice between half-assing a chapter and putting it up a little late, I'd rather put it up late with ass fully intact!

In the meantime, please enjoy this video of a guy juggling while shuffling cards.  Next time I see the guy who can do it with knives, I'll get video of him.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Name of the Wind: Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Alar and Several Stones

In which Galatea wonders why this is a separate chapter at all, and explains the settings on her Anachronism Alarm™.

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Name of the Wind: Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Riding in the Wagon with Ben

In which Galatea realises that her second-favourite character is probably a sex offender.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

Interlude: Galatea's Theory

I've mentioned a couple of times now that I have a theory about why some of the earlier chapters of The Name of the Wind are the way they are.  Now that we're out of the framing narrative, I think it's time to expound on that a little.  Simply put, my theory is this: after the Prologue, Chapter 7 was originally the first chapter of the book, and Chapters 1-6 did not exist (at least in their current state) until a long time after the rest of The Name of the Wind was written.

The Name of the Wind: Chapter 7 (Part II)

Chapter 7: Of Beginnings and the Names of Things (Part II)

In which Galatea enlists support from a galaxy far, far away...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Name of the Wind: Chapter 7 (Part I)

Chapter 7: Of Beginnings and the Names of Things (Part I)

In which Galatea learns shorthand to prove a point.